This book will show you how to set up and run a successful craft show booth
It’s going to take knowledge and effort to successfully make the transition from hobbyist to entrepreneur.
Remember this is your business.
Treat it with the respect and attention it deserves!
Do you have questions about pricing, copyrights, selecting the right shows?
You can improve the chances of success with good planning, preparation, and insight
If you are looking to get involved in selling your crafts, on the craft shows, then you’ve come to the right place.
You may already have an excellent craft product or line of products that you are creating or even selling.
Or you may be looking for a craft to produce with which to enter the business.
In either case, two factors will contribute greatly to your success:
- You need a good-sized market for your product
- Produce that quality product at a low enough cost in order to make a decent net profit.
If you don’t address both of these, you’ll most likely remain a hobbyist, creating your craft more for pleasure than profit.
In this chapter, we cover the following issues/Questions.
- What’s in a craft?
- Market research
- Competition
- Supplies
- Production
- Pricing
Starting a business when you’re really an artist at heart may be a rude awakening for you.
Nevertheless, if you decide to turn your hobby into a business, you need to switch hats from time to time.
You wear your artist hat when creating and producing your crafts, and you put on your business person’s hat when you’re running the business end.
The most financially successful crafters are not just the ones with a great product; they are the ones with a decent head for business.
You don’t need to be a biz whiz, just learn how to be professional in conducting your business.
In this chapter, we cover the following issues/Questions
- Planning
- Licencing
- Insurance
- Record keeping
- Payment processors
- Employees
- Studio VS home-based
- Legal Issues
- Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks.
- Marketing materials
Hundreds of craft shows are taking place across the world all the time.
Now, you’ve selected the craft you want to produce, you’ve started production, you’ve tested prices, and set up your business.
You’re ready to take your show on the road.
In this chapter, we cover the following issues/questions.
- Getting started
- Types of shows
- How vendors are selected
- Show promotion
- Selecting your shows
It’s now time to take your show on the road—to the shows!
This aspect of your business may well be the most crucial, since if you don’t sell your crafts—and make a profit—you’re back to being a hobbyist and won’t be in business for long.
You may think your craft is so outstanding, it will sell itself. Good luck to you if that happens.
For the most part, crafters achieve success at craft shows by putting attention on the various aspects of “show business” that make up the whole package.
In this chapter, we cover the following issues/questions.
- Booth display
- Interactivity
- Adding pizzazz
- Lighting
- Security
- Service
As you gain experience selling your crafts at craft shows, you’ll be planning your schedule a year in advance.
Although a business plan isn’t essential, a marketing plan is a good idea to have as you plan your shows.
You’ll want to keep your customers on your mailing list informed of new products, special sales, and upcoming shows.
You may need to update your marketing materials from time to time as well.
Existing Crafter?
That is fantastic, this means you do already know of all the small details that you could and should have known about when you got started.
Find out how you can drastically improve your Craft Show skills.
- Testing new ideas and products – This includes pricing and the reaction from the public upon seeing your product
- Earning a very profitable full-time living – Done right, you can live a most amazing happy life doing what you love doing every day
- Using your shows to test online eCommerce products – shows are the same as online and also radically different to online. Only through constant testing can you find that sweet spot (sales)
Scroll down and pick up your copy right now.
New Crafter?
This is for those who want to start a craft business AND set up a booth on shows.
My name is Robert Bruce Anderson and I have been a crafter for close to 45 years. Plus I have 12 years of online marketing experience. Let me tell you a massive fact…
Craft shows are the best way to do the following things for your craft business…
- Testing new ideas and products – This includes pricing and the reaction from the public upon seeing your product
- Earning a very profitable full-time living – Done right, you can live a most amazing happy life doing what you love doing every day
- Using your shows to test online eCommerce products – shows are the same as online and also radically different to online. Only through constant testing can you find that sweet spot (sales)
When all is set up and running, you will have turned your hobby into a thriving craft show business.
This detailed craft show success secrets book was originally launched back around 6 years ago. The book was extremely successful, and this is now the revised version for 2021 and beyond.
I have so many positive thoughts about how the “New World” will be post-pandemic, and not only have people switched to buying a lot more online, they have also been deprived of going out to places in public.
I predict a very strong resurgence of show traffic for years to come.
Start your Craft Show business today and see years of very positive growth and sales.
Good luck with your new business!!!